
Freeplane tutorial
Freeplane tutorial

I haven't much time now to respond your post, but I can tell you some information that may be useful: I don't remember if all the changes are reflected in the tutorial's documentation. I uploaded the last version that I have to its Github repository (v0.0.4). Looking forward to tinkering with this soon! Do you have any other resources to show how a tutorial can be made? I've seen your unlisted video regarding this but I unfortunately couldn't make out what you're saying from the background noise :( I don't think there's much value in closing the tutorial tab as the user can just change tabs or minimize the panel anyway. And Stop Tutorial should let you go back to the "Choose the tutorial" menu instead of closing the entire Tutorial panel, then maybe rename it as "Change Tutorial". I think there should be also a Previous Page button.

#Freeplane tutorial mp4#

Also, are videos supported? I was thinking maybe a looping 3 sec mp4 clip? GIF's are usually 5-10 times larger than the average mp4 of the same content, so video support could mean lighter tutorial maps. Hopefully a way to make the size of the image "fit" the screen space could be integrated in the future? I think that could open up lots of options for the images we can use. The move nodes execute button worked fine for me actually. Select nodes doesn't work for me in the "bug tutorial" not sure if that's the bug you we're talking about? No "bug report" really showed up for me. Or maybe just an automatic timer or showing it for 2 seconds then closing the menu automatically. I think clicking anything or pressing anything inside freeplane should automatically execute the action of the highlighted menu function. I think the reason is the user's eye is pulled into two different directions: the highlighted menu vs ToM panel, so it's not obvious that you need to click the close menu again, as the user isn't really looking at it. I thought my menus got bugged but turns out I need to click "Close Menu" first. I'll start my feedback with "show me in the menu" is slightly unintuitive. Pretty darn advanced and I love that the current features tutorial cleverly shows the features too 😊 Maybe a way to undock this to its own window could solve that. Though since this occupies the same space as the formatting panel as well as the other tabs, doing a tutorial for that section of freeplane might be hard.

freeplane tutorial

First of all, this is amazing ! Great job :D I think this is very much the way for the onboarding to exist.

Freeplane tutorial